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Gallant SAF 44

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

Photo credit to Wikipedia

The 44 members of the Special Action Force (SAF) of the Philippine National Police, who were martyred in the line of duty on January 25, 2015, are not just mere statistics or numbers. They were gallant and fearless warriors who dedicated their lives to serving and protecting the Filipino people.

The sacrifices made by this 44 SAF personnel serve as a testament to their bravery and their unwavering commitment to upholding peace and order in the country. They put their lives on the line, risking all for the safety and security of their fellow Filipinos. The operation they were involved in was a daring and complex one, aimed at capturing high-value terrorists in Mamasapano, Maguindanao. Despite being vastly outnumbered, these 44 heroes held their ground and fought fiercely, never giving up even in the face of overwhelming odds. Their selflessness and bravery are an inspiration to us all. They serve as a shining example of what it truly means to be a defender of peace and justice. Their families, friends, and loved ones have lost so much, but the legacy of their bravery and devotion to duty will never be forgotten. They are a reminder to us that freedom is never free and that there are those among us who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good.

Last November 1, 2022, selected members of MASIDTALAK Class of 2023 had a great opportunity to have a tour at Camp Crame, the headquarters of the PNP, and witnessed in person several things have been preserved to commemorate the lives of these fallen heroes. One of the most valuable things that have been preserved is the memorial wall in honor of the SAF 44. This wall features the names of each of the 44 members, along with their photos, ranks, and units. It serves as a constant reminder of their sacrifices and the ultimate price they paid for their duty to serve and protect the people of the Philippines.

Another valuable item that has been preserved is the SAF 44 flag, which was hoisted in their honor. The flag, which is made of high-quality fabric, features the emblem of the PNP and the SAF 44 logo. It symbolizes the unity and camaraderie of the SAF members, as well as their unwavering commitment to serve the country. All these tangible items, the legacy of the SAF 44 has also been preserved through various events and activities. The PNP holds an annual memorial service in their honor, during which the families of the fallen heroes are recognized and honored. This event serves as a reminder of their sacrifice and the impact they had on the lives of those they served.

Also, last January 11, 2023, MASIDTALAK Class of 2023 had the chance to know more about the Gallant SAF 44 through a presentation prepared by PLTCOL RAYMUN TRAIN. He was one of the 44 members of the Special Action Force (SAF) of the Philippine National Police who lost their lives in the line of duty on January 25, 2015. He was a dedicated and brave officer who dedicated his life to serving and protecting the Filipino people.

PLTCOL Train was known for his professionalism, courage, and unwavering commitment to duty. He was respected by his colleagues and peers for his leadership skills and for his ability to inspire those around him. He was a true hero in every sense of the word and his selflessness and bravery serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who protect and serve the Filipino people. He was a part of the complex and dangerous mission to capture high-value terrorists in Mamasapano, Maguindanao. Despite being vastly outnumbered, he and his fellow SAF members held their ground and fought fiercely, never giving up even in the face of overwhelming odds. The bravery and determination displayed by PLTCOL Train and his colleagues serve as a testament to their unwavering commitment to serve and protect the people of the Philippines.

It is only fitting that we pay our respects to these fallen heroes and honor their memory. We must continue to work towards a society where peace and security are guaranteed for all and where brave men and women like the SAF 44 are never forgotten. We must also support their families and loved ones who continue to grieve for the loss of their heroes.

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