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Flag Raising Ceremony coinciding with 29th PNP Ethics Day Celebration

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

“Serbisyong may Malasakit, Kaayusan at Kapayapaan tungo sa Kaunlaran, handog ng Pambansang Pulisya kabalikat ang Simbahan at Pamayanan”

The PNP Ethics Day Celebration is an annual event that honors the PNP’s moral principles and ethics-related activities and honors the good deeds of policemen and policewomen who go above and beyond their roles as law enforcement officials.

On today’s 29th PNP Ethics Day the guest of honor and speaker Director II Maria Theresa R. Poblador Field Office Director- Cavite, Civil Service Commission 4A had pointed out. Republic Act 6713 is an act establishing a code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and employees, to uphold the time-honored principle of public office being a public trust, granting incentives and rewards for exemplary service, enumerating prohibited acts and transactions and providing penalties for violations thereof and for other purposes. This is where public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence, and loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold public interest over personal interest.

Being public servants, we must be aware of our duties and responsibilities and it deals with the standard norms of conduct which can be done by upholding public interest over and above personal interest and using government resources and power efficiently, effectively, honestly, and economically. Also, we public servants must perform our duties and responsibilities with excellence, professionalism, intelligence, and skills to produce a better outcome in everything that we do. Entering public service with utmost devotion and dedication to duty and discouraging wrong perceptions of their role as dispensers to peddlers of undue patronage is also part of professionalism. Furthermore, we are obliged to act with justness and sincerity by refraining from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public safety, and public interest. We must not dispense or extend undue favors on account of their office to their relatives whether by consanguinity or affinity and provide service to anyone without unfair discrimination and regardless of party affiliation or preference.

​Moreover, it is our duty to provide information in a clear and understandable to all and the public. We must extend prompt, courteous, and adequate service which encourages openness of information and suggestions. Providing public consultations and hearings is what the public is needed and we public servants are responsible for it. In terms of nationalism and patriotism, we must be the ones leading to be loyal to the Republic and to the Filipino people. Through promoting the use of locally produced goods, resources, and technology, we may be able to promote our own. In committing to the democratic way of life, we must maintain the principle of public accountability and manifest by deeds the supremacy of civilian authority over the military. Lastly, we must learn to lead a modest life appropriate to our position and income. We must not indulge in an extravagant and ostentatious display of wealth in any form. In this way, we may able to show how to live in our own simple ways.

According to our guest of honor and speaker, above all the eight standard norms of public service, patriotism is what strikes her the most. Love, devotion, and a sense of affection for one’s nation are all examples of patriotism. This attachment can be a blend of many various emotions and words that are connected to one’s own country, including features that are ethnic, cultural, political, or historical. Patriotism involves special affection for one’s own country, a sense of personal identification with the country, special concern for the well-being of the country, and willingness to sacrifice to promote the country’s good. The intense affection one feels for their nation is referred to as patriotism. This quality encourages people to labor selflessly for their nation and improve it. True patriots are found in nations that have actually advanced. In other words, being a patriot implies putting the needs of the nation before one’s own. Patriotism is especially evident during wartime. Additionally, it contributes to strengthening the country. There are additional meanings associated with patriotism. We commonly call our nation “motherland” while referring to it. This demonstrates once again how important it is for us to love our nation as much as we love our mother. We are nurtured and helped to develop by our nation, which is no less than a mother to us. The virtue of patriotism must be possessed by all, as it improves the country. When there is a fraternity spirit among the populace, they will help one another. As a result, it will improve harmony throughout the nation. In conclusion, patriotism is crucial to the growth of the nation. Any selfish or negative motivations are eliminated, which reduces corruption. Similarly to this, when the government is free of corruption, the nation will advance more quickly.

The quality of life for the residents is also improved. This is accomplished by requiring individuals to labor in the national interest. No conflicts of interest would exist if everyone worked together for the nation’s advancement. The result will be a happier atmosphere. Patriotism will then be used to keep the peace and harmony in place. People will assist one another when they have a sense of brotherhood.

These are only a small number of the country’s patriots. They sacrificed their entire life for their country and did not think twice about doing so. These names set excellent examples for future generations. To ensure the success of our homeland, we must be patriotic and work for it. Indeed, we learned a lot from yesterday’s speaker which help us to realize that patriotism is essential, especially to our youths and future public servants of our country. Youth is the future of the nation and for the bright future of the country, it is important for us to protect and preserve our nation and act our best to make it outshine.

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